Leavers 2017-2018
In Year 6: An Arctic Explorer Visits

In Year 6: Black Country Living Museum Visit

In Year 5: Manor Adventure, March 2017
In Year 4: Misty Mountain Camp Out, May 2016

Bursting with excitement, I collected all my bags and set off to the field. Just then, we met Mr Collins, Mr Deeky, Mr Cox and Mr Land, the Onside PE men, and they all put us into groups: Snow Leopards, Condors and Lynx. After that, they let us into our huge tents. Jumping with joy, I was opposite Rosie.
Next, the Lynx group went with Mr Land to the skis and I was the team leader. In my group, there was me, Charlie M, Bobby and Reece. I had to write down all the scores for the Skis and then we went onto the guttering where we had to roll the ball down and when it went down the piece of guttering you had to run to the end of the line and get it into the hoop. Roaring like a tiger, my team won.
After, we all came to our meeting spot and the Lynx group went with Mr Cox and we played catch the tail. Also, we played Dodgeball and my team won. Suddenly, both teams got a golden ball and he gave it to Holly the team captain. She could throw it at any time but if it hit a person that means the whole team was out.
After a while, we joined Mr Collins to make kazoos. We were given a stick and we had to peel the bark off of it. In addition we had to chop the wood in half and put an elastic band over on half and put them together, then we had to tie it together. Just then, we got called over to do the marshmallows and we roasted marshmallows and made fire with flint and steel, like Sam in 'My side of the mountain'. Later it was time for bed....
In the morning, we got called out for breakfast. We all had delicious croissants and then eventually we could get dressed. Unfortunately, we had to all go home which was sad. I loved my camp-out!
written by Georgina (Eagles class)
RE Day - Easter News Reports (Using Green Screen)

Year 4 African Drumming

Year 3 Smoothie Bar, December 2014