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School Meals

Instructions for Parent Selection on ParentPay


Hot meals are priced £2.70 a day for all children in Key Stage 2.  Our school meals are cooked fresh each day by our school head cook Becky Davis and her team from Miquill.  There is a choice of three main courses (red, green, blue) and puddings each day, plus a salad bar.  For children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 there is an additional option (yellow) of a packed lunch.


If your situation has recently changed or you feel you may be entitled to Free School Meals for your child, it is very easy to apply.

You can contact them via email: or call 01926 742060. You can also ask in the school office for additional guidance or assistance


You can pay for school meals weekly/monthly/half-termly or termly via ParentPay.
